President - Ralph Durham
Vice President -Scott McNeill
Secretary - Debbie Durham
Treasurer - Jack Ingold
Directors - Venu Tummalapalli
Kenn Ashley
Karen Gramigna-Warren
Milton Weinberg
Judge Procurer - Sharon Goss
Programs - Jack Ingold
Chip Young
Ralph Durham
Dan Ladurini
Competition DPI - Karren Gramingna -Warren
Lee Marin
CACCA Rep - Jack Ingold
Outings - Greg Metzler
Steven Jungerwirth
Webmaster - Debbie Durham
March 4- Competition night - 7:00 pm -(will be held in the Chapel upstairs at Lake Forest Place)
March 14 - Breakfast - 10;00 am - Country Kitchen - 446 Central Ave., Highland Park
March 18 - Program night- Lake Forest Place - Hank Erdmann - Nuts and Bolts of Composition - making an exciting and attention-grabbing image.