Joining our Club is easy! Come to a meeting, talk to fellow photographers, see what we do, then decide if you want to join. Membership privileges include educational workshops, print, and digital image competitions, Club activities, voting in Club elections, inclusion in field trips, invitation to include your work in Club exhibits, and more! Annual dues are a nominal $30.00 for an individual per year or $40 for couples.
Club meetings start at 7:00 pm on the first and third Tuesdays from September through May. During the summer months, we meet on the third Tuesday only (June through September). We meet in the Vail Room at Lake Forest Place, 1100 Pembridge Drive, Lake Forest, Illinois. Pembridge Drive is off N. Westmoreland Road.
The first meeting of each month is devoted to competitions. During the second meeting, we participate in programs designed to stimulate our creativity and help us learn new and better photographic techniques. Our schedule is subject to change.
February 14- Happy Valentine's Day - Breakfast- 10:00 am, Country Kitchen, Highland Park, Illinois
February 18 - Program meeting, Veni Tummalapalli - Creative Photography -7:00 pm, Vail Room, Lake Forest Place (Remember to Park in the back parking lot due to work at Lake Forest Place)