As you know all competitions will be conducted in the DPI format. There will be no print competitions. The DPI competition categories for NSCC will be Color for A and AA, Monochrome for A and AA, and Fur and Feather A and AA.
Each member may enter 3 images in each category.
Logging into NSCC competitions
1) log into This will take you to the login page.
2) If you don't already have a user ID and password then use the following:
- Your user ID will be your email address.
- Your password will be 12345
3) This will take you to the NSCC page
4) Click on upload
5) On this page select the competition from the drop down list that you are submitting images for: Color, Mono, special category
6) Select the image you want to submit
7) Enter the balance of information needed, image title, entry number, and submit your image.
8) The image you have uploaded will be shown. If you want to upload another image click on "upload another image".
Logging into CACCA individual Competitions
To enter CACCA Individual competitions; Photojournalism, Nature, Portrait and creative DPI, the login process is slightly different.
1) login using the link:
2) on this page instead of entering your user ID and password click on Self Register With Invitation Code
3) Your invitation code is 1936, the user ID and password are the same as you used previously
4) click on upload
5) On this page select the competition you are entering form the drop down list
6) Select the image you want to submit
7) Enter the balance of information needed, image title, entry number and submit your image
8) The image you have uploaded will be shown. If you want to upload another image click on "upload another image".
Reviewing images submitted
You can click on review images at any time to review the images you have submitted.
When you are finished you just close the page.
If you would like more information go to to review a tutorial on submitting images.
Bill Janes has set up a practice competition so you can practice loading images to make sure there are no problems. Login as shown above, click on upload. In the competition window select NSCC Practice Demo. You can then practice loading images.
NOTE: Some versions of Safari on Mac are unable to load images. If that is the case Chrome on Mac will work
February 14- Happy Valentine's Day - Breakfast- 10:00 am, Country Kitchen, Highland Park, Illinois
February 18 - Program meeting, Veni Tummalapalli - Creative Photography -7:00 pm, Vail Room, Lake Forest Place (Remember to Park in the back parking lot due to work at Lake Forest Place)